BMS has developed information and resources to help our community navigate our services and find public health guidelines. Find below forms and links to critical information.
BMS makes it easy for you to find the care you need. We have multiple ways to request an appointment with us. And remember, at BMS we offer translation services and assistance.
Just fill out this Appointment Request Form or call 718-345-5000
If this is an emergency, please call 911.

BMS makes it even easier to track your patient information with our secure Patient Portal. You can access it any time with a smartphone or computer.

BMS offers convenient Health Insurance Enrollment at our Sites. BMS has two certified insurance enrollers on staff who help patients register in health insurance plans (Medicaid, Essential Plan or private insurance), renew coverage or change plans.
We help every individual finding government and charity benefits to ensure no patients are denied services due to insurance or immigration status or inability to pay.
Call 718-345-5000 to request this service.
BMS offers Health Insurance Enrollment at our Sites
Documents You Need
In most cases you will need the following documents for enrollment in any of the no-cost/low-cost health insurance programs:
Identification: Two forms of photo identification
Proof of current address: utility bill or bank document
Proof of birth: birth certificate and/or immigration status
Proof of income: copy of income tax return or four recent consecutive pay stubs or W-2 form or a notarized letter attesting to annual income
Family Health
PlusFamily Health Plus (FHP)-a public health insurance program that provides free health care for uninsured adults between the ages of 19 and 64. It is available to single adults, couples without children, and parents with limited income who are residents of New York State and are United States citizens or who fall under certain immigration categories. It provides comprehensive coverage, including prevention, primary care, hospitalization, prescriptions and other services. There is no cost to participate.
To enroll in Family Health Plus, visit one of our enrollment counselors or visit the Family Health Plus site at: http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/fhplus/index.htm
Child Health Plus
Child Health Plus is a New York State Health Insurance plan that offers parents free, or low -cost insurance for children under 19 years of age.
To enroll in Child Health Plus, visit one of our enrollment counselors or visit the Family Health Plus site at: http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/chplus/index.htm
Medicaid is a program for New Yorkers who can't afford to pay for medical care. You may be covered by Medicaid if:
You have high medical bills
You receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
You meet certain income, resource, age or disability requirements.
To enroll in Medicaid, visit one of our enrollment counselors or visit the Medicaid site at:

BMS provides routine Telehealth medical and mental health care to established patients while they are still at home or from another convenient location. This avoids having to travel to our offices or having to miss work with Telehealth appointments available throughout the day at all locations.
BMS uses video technology Qure4u, a digital platform that connects with Athena Health BMS's electronic medical system so our Care Team can easily access your health records. Our Telehealth platform Qure4U has all the tools you need to interact and optimize care before, during, and after your office visits. This includes communicating with your Care Team, filling out and submit pre-appointment paperwork, and paying your bill quickly, easily and securely.
Telehealth Services Offered​
Assess your symptoms
Review recent lab results and clinical reports
Make a diagnosis
Recommend treatment
Prescribe medication/refills
Make referrals to Specialists
Provide patient education
Chronic care management
Mental health visits
Case management
Medical visits that require an in-person exam
Gynecologic visit
Pre-Natal visits that require an in-person exam
Optometry services
Pediatric Services for children under the age of 5
Dental services
Podiatry services
Blood draw
1199 SEIU
Amida Care
Beacon Health Strategies
Cigna Dental
Davis Vision
Dental Healthplex
Dental Medicaid
Dental Other 3rd Party
Dental Quest
Dental UHC Community Plan
We accept most insurance providers. See the list below. Please call if you don't see yours, we may still accept it. And if you don't have insurance, contact us and we will find a solution for you. ​
Empire (BCBS)
Fidelis Care
Foster Agency
GHI-Emblem Health
HealthPlus -EBCBS
HIP - Emblem Health Medicare
Metroplus Health
NY Medicaid and Madicare
UHC Community Plan
Village Care Max
VNS Choice of NY
Sliding scale fees are fees for BMS services that are adjusted depending on family size and income: the lower your income, the less you will pay.
Click for fees based on income level