WIC (Women. Infants. Children.) is a Supplemental Food and Nutrition Program that provides education, support, referrals and healthy food to low-income pregnant, breastfeeding and post-partum women; infants and children up to age five.
The goal of WIC services is to decrease the risk of low birthweight, preterm births and infant mortality, and to improve the health of mothers, caregivers and children during critical times of growth and development.
Nutrition education, online as well
Breastfeeding support including peer counselors, education, experts and classes
Child nutrition
Healthy foods to supplement your diet
Weight management and physical activity
Vitamins and minerals
Referrals to other services
Remote appointment services
The Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) provides WIC coupons for fresh fruits and vegetables that can be purchased at farmers' markets during the summer and fall. The program runs from June - November 30.
Eligible participants receive an increased cash value benefit (CVB) from $26.00 to $78.00 per benefit month based on their category.
Referal Services
Medicaid and Medicaid Prenatal Care
Child Health Plus
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Family Planning
Early Head Start/ Head Start
Child Care Services
Oral Health Services
Substance Use Counseling and Treatment
Blood Lead Testing and Screening
Homeless shelters
Child Support Enforcement Program
Domestic Violence programs
Child Protective Services (CPS)
Who We Help
Pregnant and Breastfeeding women
Postpartum women with babies up to 6 months old
Infants and children up to age five
Primary caregivers
Many people are unaware that they can qualify for WIC as soon as they find out they are pregnant, so they can receive the health and nutrition benefits of WIC early in their pregnancy and beyond. WIC also has modern and flexible services such as remote appointments, eWIC, and more. Learn about eWIC shopping:
To Qualify for WIC, You Must:
Live in New York State
Meet Income eligibility or get benefits from Medicaid, SNAP or TANF (Please check NYS Income Guidelines for income eligibility)
Have medical documentation stating that you have a health or dietary need (Proof of pregnancy, WIC medical referral form, immunization record for children)
You Can Still Receive WIC Even if...
You are not a US Citizen
You or other household members are working
WIC Standards
Non-Discrimination Statement | USDA
Standards for participants in the WIC Program are the same for everyone. If you believe you have been discriminated against because of race, color, national origin, age, sex or handicap, write immediately to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D.C 20250. If you feel you have been discriminated against based on religion or political beliefs, call the Growing Up Healthy Hotline at 1.800.622.5006.
U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form

Visit Us, by Appointment Only
408 Rockaway Avenue, 11212
Monday – Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm
Friends of Crown Heights Educational Centers, Inc.
921 Hegeman Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11208
Tuesday & Thursday 10:00am to 4:00pm ​
Call the BMS WIC office (718) 345-6366
Ext. 6649/6664/6668
or send us a text message (718) 483-4302
For Breastfeeding Support
Roxanne English, Breastfeeding Coordinator
(929) 527-3443
For Support
Linda Joseph, WIC Director
(646) 326-2688, email: ljoseph@bmsfhc.org
Soundiana Delva St. Joy, Outreach Coordinator
(929) 527-3440, email: sdelva@bmsfhc.org
For Emotional Support
Call 1-844-863-9314 at any time to speak with a mental health counselor.
To sign up for WIC Scan this code:

Or click here for the application form:
Fill out the WIC application form and click submit.

Documentation Needed
Identification for all applicants
Proof of residency
Proof of income for the household
Medical documentation (Proof of pregnancy, WIC referral form, immunization records for children
For more Information:
What to bring to your WIC appointment
Additional Resources
English, Spanish, Haitian Creole and French